1815 P Turpin White Horehound Marrubium Vulgare Hand Colored Engraving
This authentic print was
printed between 1814-1820. This engraving plate is hand painted in
colors. Size: Approx 4.5 inches by 8 inches.
Jean François Turpin
was a French botanist and illustrator. He is
considered one of the greatest floral and botanical illustrators during
the Napoleonic Era and afterwards. As an artist, Turpin was largely
In 1794 Turpin was stationed in Haiti as a member of the French Army.
Here he met botanist Pierre Antoine Poiteau (1766-1854), with whom he
would have a working relationship throughout his career. Through
Poiteau, Turpin learned botany, and he created many botanical field
drawings that became a basis of further study when the two men returned
to France. Concerning their work in Haiti, they were able to describe
around 800 species of plants.
Through his collaboration with Poiteau and other naturalists, Turpin
created some of the finest watercolors and illustrations of plants that
are known to exist. from Wikipedia
For our French-speaking friends
Pierre J. F. Turpin, gravure de Marrube peinte main à l'aquarelle.
Page d'une iconographie végétale (leçon de flore?), vers 1815. Hauteur
20.2 cm, largeur 11.5 cm.
Pierre Jean François Turpin (1775-1840) était un botaniste et
illustrateur français. Il est considéré comme l?un des plus grands
illustrateurs botaniques de l?époque napoléonienne. Bien qu?il ait
entamé une formation aux Beaux-Arts, Turpin, en tant qu?artiste, était
largement autodidacte.
1794, alors membre de l?armée française et basé à Haïti, Turpin
rencontre le botaniste Pierre-Antoine Poiteau (1766-1854) avec il
contribuera tout au long de sa carrière. Grâce à Poiteau, il apprend la
botanique et réalise de nombreux dessins qui deviendront la base
d?études plus approfondies à leur retour en France. Ils ont décrit
environ 800 espèces de plantes de la flore haïtienne.
est à l?origine des plus belles aquarelles et illustrations existantes
de plantes. Il a non seulement apporté son talent à Poiteau, mais aussi
à Poiret ou à Humboldt.