Italian Deruta Majolica Base Signed Oil Kerosene Lamp 1900's

Italian majolica base oil kerosene lamp made by Deruta during the 1900's. It's signed inside the majolica. 24 1/2" (62.5cm) total height, 10" (40.5cm) height of the base lamp from the burner, 6 1/2" (16.5cm) diameter to the body, weight 4lbs 2oz (1.890 kilogram). Perfect condition, it needs to be re-wiring to the US standard electric as shown by the following pictures. 

For our French-speaking friends

Pied de lampe à pétrole, fût en faïence de Deruta Italie, vers 1900. Elle est signée JA à l'intérieure.  Hauteur totale 62.5 cm, hauteur du pied 40.5 cm, diamètre au corps 16.5 cm, poids 1.890 kg. Très bel état,  élèctrification à revoir.


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