Copper Cookware Jam Pan Basin Skimmer Preserve Candy Apple Butter

Copper Cookware Jam Pan Basin Skimmer Preserve Candy Apple Butter

French copper cookware jam pan with brass handle and skimmer set made in France during the 1900's. They measure for the pan without handles: 13 3/8" (34cm) diameter, 4 3/4" (12cm) heightn for the skimmer 20" (51cm) length, 4" (10cm) width, weight of the set 6lb 11.69oz (3.053kilograms). Perfect condition and ready for use as shown by the following pictures.

For our French-speaking friends
Bassine à confiture en cuivre et anses laiton avec son écumoire, vers 1900. Bel état d'usage. :Diamètre 34 cm, hauteur 12 cm, écumoire longueur 51 cm, largeur 10 cm, poids de l'ensemble 3.053 kg.


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