Dovetailed Hammered Copper Wrought Iron Handle Cauldron Bucket Pail Pot

Dovetailed Hammered Copper Wrought Iron Handle Cauldron Bucket Pail Pot

French dovetailed hammered copper cauldron with wrought iron handle made during the end of the 19th century. 11" (27.9cm) diameter to the top, 9" (22.8cm) height, weight 5lb 2.258oz (2,332 kilograms). Perfect condition as shown by the following pictures.

For our French-speaking friends
Chaudron en cuivre martelé a couture crénelé et manche en fer forgé, fin XIX° siècle. Hauteur 22.8 cm, diamètre au col 27.9 cm, poids 2,332 kg. Parfait état


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