Art Deco Duck flight sculpture in terracotta by Henri Bargas

French Art Deco Duck flight sculpture in terracotta by Henri Bargas born in Paris made during the 1930's. It's signed on the base. 25 3/4" (65.5cm) length, 6 3/4" (17cm) width, 10 1/4" (26cm) height, weight 19.8 lbs (9 kilograms). Perfect condition no chips, no cracks , no damages as shown by the following pictures. 

For our French-speaking friends

Envol de Canards en Terre cuite de H. Bargas. Henri Bargas est un sculpteur français né à Paris, élève de Vermare, il a travaillé durant la première moitié du XXeme siècle. Longueur 65.5 cm, largeur 17 cm, hauteur 26 cm, poids 9 kg. Signé sur la base. Très bel état.


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